/ Thursday, October 12, 2017 / Categories: Transparenzregister The New Transparency Register Publication deadline 10/01/2017 - Fines up to EUR 100,000 The Transparency Register has arrived and presents new significant challenges for companies, foundations, associations, and other entities. Since October 1, 2017, data on the beneficial owners must be collected, stored, kept up-to-date, and reported to the Transparency Register fully and correctly, under the threat of fines up to EUR 100,000 . The main tasks to be accomplished include: - Compliant data collection - Submission to the Transparency Register - Ongoing storage - Constant updating It is important to note that it is not sufficient to report the data just once. The data must be correctly and completely stored and constantly updated to avoid fines. This means that even if an exemption from reporting to the Register exists, companies and other entities must still collect, store, and update the relevant data. Previous Article § 20 GWG (Money Laundering Act) Next Article After Brexit, the tax situation for the LTD should remain the same - amendment proposals from the coalition factions. Print 3242 Tags: Basis-Info