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Bearer shares 0 4630
An interesting but still relatively unknown design variant of the English Limited in Germany is the configuration as a company with bearer shares. In this case, the Shareholder Register no longer lists any names. Outsiders cannot determine who the shareholders (i.e., owners) of the company are by looking at the English trade register. Accordingly, no names appear on the shares issued by the company either. They are in fact bearer instruments. Shareholder status is thus demonstrated solely by presentation of the shares. Transferring shares in a Limited does not require a notary. Conclusion: Bearer shares offer an interesting alternative for entrepreneurs who place a high value on discretion. Another advantage is that there is no need for trusts (and thus ongoing costs) to keep holdings anonymous. We are happy to establish your company with bearer shares, or convert existing structures to bearer shares. The cost and time involved are quite manageable. We would be pleased to explain the details of setting up a Limited with bearer shares to you.