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§ 20 GWG (Money Laundering Act)

Transparency Obligations with Respect to Certain Associations 0 2403

Paragraph 1: Legal entities under private law and registered partnerships are required to obtain, retain, keep up-to-date, and immediately report for entry into the transparency register the information on the beneficial owners of these associations as listed in § 19 Paragraph 1 . The report must be made electronically in a format that facilitates electronic access. For the information on the nature and extent of the economic interest under § 19 Paragraph 1 Number 4, it must be indicated what results in the status as a beneficial owner according to § 19 Paragraph 3, unless Paragraph 2 Sentence 2 applies.

Paragraph 2: The obligation to report to the transparency register as per Paragraph 1 Sentence 1 is considered fulfilled if the information on the beneficial owner listed under § 19 Paragraph 1 is already available from the documents and entries listed in § 22 Paragraph 1, which are electronically accessible from:

1. the Commercial Register (§ 8 of the Commercial Code),
2. the Partnership Register (§ 5 of the Partnership Society Act),
3. the Cooperative Register (§ 10 of the Cooperative Society Act),
4. the Association Register (§ 55 of the Civil Code) or
5. the Company Register (§ 8b Paragraph 2 of the Commercial Code).

For companies listed on an organized market according to § 2 Paragraph 5 of the Securities Trading Act or subject to transparency requirements equivalent to Community law regarding voting rights or equivalent international standards, the obligation to report to the transparency register is always considered fulfilled. A separate statement regarding the nature and extent of the economic interest under § 19 Paragraph 1 Number 4 is not required if it can be determined from the documents and entries listed in § 22 Paragraph 1 what results in the status as a beneficial owner according to § 19 Paragraph 3. If a report to the transparency register has been made according to Paragraph 1 Sentence 1 and thereafter the beneficial owner changes in such a way that the information about them now results from the registers listed in Sentence 1, this must be reported immediately to the register-leading body for consideration in the transparency register as per Paragraph 1 Sentence 1.

Paragraph 3: Shareholders who are beneficial owners or are directly controlled by the beneficial owner are required to immediately report to the associations according to Paragraph 1 the information necessary to fulfill the duties stated in Paragraph 1 and any changes to this information . If a member of an association or cooperative controls more than 25 percent of the voting rights, they are obligated according to Sentence 1. For foundations, the obligation applies to the persons under § 3 Paragraph 3. The same applies to those obliged to provide information under Sentences 2 and 3 who are under the direct control of a beneficial owner. If those obliged to provide information under Sentences 1 to 3 are under indirect control